Dan Haines Const. Co., Inc.

We have developed a unique maintenance program to take care of

The exterior of your facilities. We believe that long~term budgeting for

Preventative maintenance will enhance your facilities’ image and ensure

your property’s value. In other words. . .

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!

Dan Haines Const. Co., Inc.

has the experience…. the skilled personnel…. and the right equipment.

+ We have satisfied more than 3,000 customers

+ We have worked on more than 4,000 bldg. structures

+ We have performed more than 15,000 construction contracts

We make your job easier by solving your problems, saving you time.

If you have a Building LEAK, we can find it and STOP it!

Call us today at 317-635-5858

+ Building Analysis & Documentation

+ Masonry Restoration & Repairs

+ Caulking & Waterproofing

+ Concrete & Flashing Repairs

+ Synthetic Plaster & Epoxy Injections

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CONTRACTING SERVICES INCLUDE: Block Commercial and Repair, Bricklaying, Caulking Commercial and Industrial Caulking, Concrete Vertical Wall Patching,
Concrete Removal and Replacement, Copings, Control Joints, Door Frames and Openings, Expansion Joints, Exterior Building Maintenance, Exterior Insulation Finish System,
Flashing Repairs, Graffiti Removal, Building Leak Solving, Limestone, Masonry Cleaning, Coatings and Painting, Masonry Restoration and Historic Repair, Paint Stripping
Parapets, Pressure Washing, Sealants, Slate, Soffits, Stone Work, Terra-Cotta, Thru-Wall Flashing, Tuckpointing, Wall Veneering, Waterproofing, Water Repellents